Memoirs of an Infantry Auctioneer

  • Available as a book or as an online download

    Available as a book or as an online download

' Memoirs of an Infantry Auctioneer' charts the life and times of Mr Robert H Bell senior.

The clocks have gone back, sounds and smells of fireworks in the air and the time for ‘Remembrance’ draws near.
We all have stories and memories passed down through the generations, two world wars, bad times and good ones, tears and laughter along the way.
These are the memories and history of Mr Bell Senior; from growing up, through his days as a soldier serving his country, to taking on the mantle of building up the company we know today. The content reflects the changes he saw in the life and times of Lincolnshire's country folk. His thoughts and memories reflect partly on times and traditions, sadly now gone, as seen by a man whose lifes work as land agent and auctioneer, provided him with an excellent overview of how these changes in society impacted on the small world of family, farming and business, in the Lincolnshire Wolds he loved so dearly for nearly a century. Download your copy here  of these very thought provoking tales.

Robert, the current Mr Bell in charge of the family business, arranged for these memoirs to be published. 
Maybe one day his sons will do the same for his!

An A4 paperback of the book it is available at a cost of £15 plus VAT and postage from our Horncastle Office Tel:01507 522222 Email:

Tony Wing DipsSurv FNAEA MRICS
Sales Director
Lincoln Office
Tel:    01522 538888
Twitter: @robertbellandco


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