Forestry Management
We advise on the appropriate species, planting methods, crop protection, thinning, costings, available woodland grants and the eventual sale of timber. We undertake Forestry Commission management plans and can advise on the potential for carbon sequestration in woodland.
Robert Bell BSc (Hons) FRICS FAAV, George Harrison BSc (Hons) MRICS FAAV & Jessica Spurrier MSc are members of the Royal Forestry Society and have experience in the management of commercial and amenity woodland. The majority of woodlands we manage are small lowland mixed or broadleaf woods where objectives usually include timber, sporting, and amenity.
We are up to speed on the government incentives and potential reward and opportunities available for landowners in Lincolnshire regarding Woodland Creation, Natural Capital and Carbon Capture.
We can assist on all Forestry Commission and Rural Payment Agency grants and regulations including:
- Woodland Management Plans
- Felling licences
- Countryside Stewardship Grants
- Woodland Management Planning Grant
- Tree Health Grants
- Woodland Improvement Grants
- English Woodland Creation Offer
- Woodland Creation & Maintenance Grants
- Woodland Carbon Code